Narrow Band IoT
MikroTik RB924iR-2nD-BT5&BG77&R11e-LR8 KNOT LR8 kit - IoT Gateway
KNOT is a truly universal device with exceptional connectivity options and protocol support. It is an IoT Gateway that uses LoRa (863 - 870 MHz), Narrow Band and CAT-M technology. Because of the low cost, low band
MikroTik TG-BT5-IN, IoT Bluetooth indoor tag for KNOT
Bluetooth tags play a huge role in IoT setups, where Bluetooth is used to broadcast the data over short distances. You can use these small devices for proximity-based tracking of various objects. For example, if you have a KNOT gateway in
MikroTik TG-BT5-OUT, IoT Bluetooth outdoor tag for KNOT
This version of our BLE tags comes completely sealed, cast in industrial-grade molds to give it a solid IP69k ingress protection rating. In other words, this tag is dust-tight – nothing gets in, and it is fully protected against close-ran
MikroTik RB924iR-2nD-BT5&BG77&R11e-LR9 KNOT LR9 kit - IoT Gateway
KNOT is a truly universal device with a wide range of connection options and support for protocols and interfaces. It is an IoT Gateway that uses LoRa technology (902 - 928 MHz) but also Narrow Band and CAT-M b>, which a
MikroTik CME Gateway
The CME Gateway is a rugged and affordable CAT-M LTE modem designed for connecting sensors and IoT devices to the mobile network. The modem provide LTE Cat NB2 and LTE Cat M1 extremely efficient, low-cost, low-bandwidth mobile internet co
MikroTik RB924i-2nD-BT5&BG77, KNOT - IoT Gateway
KNOT is a truly universal device with exceptional connectivity options and protocol support. It is an IoT Gateway that uses Narrow Band and CAT-M technology. Because of the low cost, low bandwidth cellular connection, it is supp
Narrow Band IoT
NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT) je technologie s nízkým výkonem postavená na technologii 4G LTE, aby umožnila připojení širokého spektra zařízení a služeb. Technologie dále vyniká nízkými náklady a dlouhou životností baterií. Byla definována standardem 3GPP Release 13. Přenosová rychlost je 250kbps.
Vhodná především na stacionární užití, díky nutnosti na opětovnou registraci do sítě při změně vysílače, nezvládá funkci Hand-Over. Výhody: nízká spotřeba, roamingový přenos dat bez poplatků navíc, očekává se rychlé vybudování sítě, licencovaná pásma.