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Mounts to the chimney

4 items
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Chimney mounts OK-43T13N - require no drilling

Chimney mounts OK-43T13N - require no drilling

25.18 EUR excl. VAT
30.47 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

Mounts poles from 28 - 42mm in diameter. Package including two 5m steel straps. This straps a pole or mast to the chimney without drilling. Chimney mounts require no drilling. This means no holes in your chimney or a roof. Total weight

Handle the chimney OK-43T - without drilling

Handle the chimney OK-43T - without drilling

13.57 EUR excl. VAT
16.42 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

Allows to mount large antenna constructions or SAT dishes to a chimney. Strip mounting: Place one of the strip end into cut screw, wrap about 30 cm of strip and clamp it with a nut. Tight such mounted strip on the other end using a screw (min. 30cm str

Special offer
Handle the chimney OK-50W13 - without drilling

Handle the chimney OK-50W13 - without drilling

24.53 EUR excl. VAT
29.68 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

Sleeve with reinforced profile. Possibility of mounting large antenna structures or SAT disk to the chimney. Attaching the tape: Insert the tape into the notch of the screw, then wind it 30 cm and only then press it with the nut. Stretch the

Steel strap OK-43, OK-50 - 10m

Steel strap OK-43, OK-50 - 10m

5.00 EUR excl. VAT
6.05 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

Ocelová páska o délce 10m. Slouží jako příslušenství ke komínovým držákům; Váha pásky je 1,01 kg

Huawei eKit
Huawei AP761 - WiFi6 venkovní Dual Band AP, BLE, IP68



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