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TP-Link Power adapter 9V 0.6A

TP-Link Power adapter 9V 0.6A

3.45 EUR excl. VAT
4.27 EUR incl. VAT
Ordered, unknown date

Power 9V adapter suitable especially for powering some routers and switches with a standard DC connector 5.5 / 2.1mm. The maximum current consumption is 0.6A.

OEM power adapter 9V / 0.5A

OEM power adapter 9V / 0.5A

2.00 EUR excl. VAT
2.52 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

A 9V power adapter suitable especially for powering some routers and switches with a standard 5.5/2.1mm DC connector. The maximum current drawn is 0.5A.

OEM power adapter 9V / 0.5A

OEM power adapter 9V / 0.5A

2.81 EUR excl. VAT
3.50 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

A 9V power adapter suitable especially for powering some routers and switches with a standard 5.5/2.1mm DC connector. The maximum current drawn is 0.5A.

Teltonika EU power supply, 4 pin

Teltonika EU power supply, 4 pin

5.49 EUR excl. VAT
6.74 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

Teltonika 035R-00143 is a special power adapter with atypical 4-pin connector designed for Teltonika RUT 230/240/850/900/950/955 units, or newer. The power adapter has a maximum power of 9W, an output voltage of 9V and a current of 1A.

Huawei eKit
Huawei AP761 - WiFi6 venkovní Dual Band AP, BLE, IP68



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