TP-Link DS-PMA-C++, GPON Class C++ SFP module
TP-Link GPON SFP module DS-PMA-C++ is designed for GPON slots in TP-Link OLT units. It is a special SFP module with an asymmetric speed of 2.5Gbps upload and 1.25Gbps download towards clients. The GPON SFP module is termi
TP-Link DS-P7001-01 DeltaStream OLT, 1x GPON
DS-P7001-01 is a GPON OLT unit with one GPON port supporting up to 128 clients (ONT units) with physical links reaching distances of up to 60 km. It features 1x SFP+ and 1x 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet as uplink, 1 Gigabit Ethernet for man
TP-Link DS-PMA-Combo C+, XGS-PON/XG-PON/GPON SFP+ Class C+ optical module
TP-Link XGS-PON/XG-PON/GPON SFP+ module DS-PMA-Combo C+ is designed for slots in TP-Link OLT units. It is a C+ class module, terminated with an SC connector with UPC polishing, and has a range of up to 20km. The module has different characteris
TP-Link XGZ030 XGS-PON terminal
TP-Link XGZ030 XGS-PON terminal is ONU unit with mode bridge which delivers 10 Gbps upstream and downstream transmissions simultaneously. Terminal is equiped with SC/APC XGS-PON port and 10Gb/s LAN port. Supports the OMCI (O
TP-Link DS-P7500-08 DeltaStream OLT, 8x XGS-PON/GPON
DS-P7500-08 is a GPON OLT unit offering 8 XGS-PON/GPON ports, allowing you to connect up to 256 clients per port for XGS-PON or 128 clients per port for GPON, for a total of up to 2048 clients for XGS-PON or 1024 clients for GPO
TP-Link DS-P8000-X2 DeltaStream Chassis Optical Line Terminal-X2
TP-Link DS-P8000-X2 is a 2U chassis that can be equipped with up to two separately sold service boards, providing up to 32 PON ports. The flexibility of installing service boards allows the device to be adapted to all requirements. The ch
TP-link DS-PSUA PSU replacement fot DS-P8000-X2
PSU Replacement for TP-Link DS-P8000-X2, dual AC+DC power supply, hot-swap capability and 4KV surge protection.
TP-Link DS-LGPA-16 DeltaStream Chassis Optical Line Terminal 16 GPON Service Board
Service board for DS-P8000-X2 and DS-P8000-X7 chassis, expanding the chassis with 16 GPON ports offering speeds of up to 2.488 Gbps downstream and 1.244 Gbps upstream per port. Supports a split ratio of 1:128 for GPON. Compatible with TP-Link's
TP-Link DS-LGPA-08 DeltaStream Chassis Optical Line Terminal 8 GPON Service Board
Service board for DS-P8000-X2 and DS-P8000-X7 chassis, expanding the chassis with 8 GPON ports offering speeds of up to 2.488 Gbps downstream and 1.244 Gbps upstream per port. Supports a split ratio of 1:128 for GPON. Compatible with TP-Link's C
GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) - je gigabitová pasivní optická síť, kde optické vlákno dosahuje až do obytného prostoru (FTTH - Fiber to the Home). Tam je zakončeno optickou zásuvkou. Zjednodušeně řečeno - mezi centrálním prvkem a koncovým prvkem není na trase žádné aktivní (napájené) zařízení. To snižuje náklady na provoz a výrazně zvyšuje spolehlivost celé sítě. Signál na takovém kabelu prochází světlem, nikoliv elektrickým pulsem. Světelný impuls prochází skleněným vláknem a poskytuje spolehlivější signál a vysokou rychlost při nízkých nákladech na energii.
GEPON (Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network) - Gigabitová pasivní optická síť. Jak již název napovídá, jedná se o technologii, nabízející každému zákazníkovi možnost připojit se do sítě rychlostí až 1 Gbit/s. Sítě typu GEPON jsou již 3. generací pasivních sítí (PON - Passive Optical Network).