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6GHz Sector antennas

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RF elements Asymmetrical Horn Wideband Antenna, 4x4 MIMO, 6/5 GHz, 15dBi, 90°

RF elements Asymmetrical Horn Wideband Antenna, 4x4 MIMO, 6/5 GHz, 15dBi, 90°

604.74 EUR excl. VAT
732.22 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

AH90WB-4x4-SMA is a 4x4 5 and 6 GHz horn sector antenna by RF elements, featuring a 90° asymmetrical radiation angle and a gain of 15dBi. This antenna offers a perfect combination of properties and features that address the main weaknesses of today's m

RF elements Asymmetrical Horn Wideband Antenna, 6/5 GHz, 15dBi, 90°

RF elements Asymmetrical Horn Wideband Antenna, 6/5 GHz, 15dBi, 90°

395.85 EUR excl. VAT
479.22 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

The AH90-WB is a 6 GHz and 5 GHz sector "horn" antenna from RF elements, featuring a 90° asymmetric beam angle, 15 dBi gain, and a TwistPort connector. This antenna offers a perfect combination of features to address the key weaknesses of

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