Pigtails for miniPCI
Pigtail 25cm RG316 MMCX - N female
Cable reduction from MMCX to N female, 25 cm long, designated frequency range from 0 to 6 GHz with attenuation max 1,5 dB. Connector MMCX is rotated to 90°. High quality reduction used for example for connection between miniPCI cards, e
Pigtail 25cm RG178 U.FL - SMA male 90° angled
Pigtail with u.Fl and SMA male connectors, 25cm long, designed for the frequency range 0 to 6GHz with attenuation of max 1.5dB. The SMA male connector is rotated 90°. This is a quality reduction, eg for connection to miniPCI cards, etc.
MikroTik ACSMAUFL Pigtail, 15cm, U.FL - SMA female
U.fl-SMA female pigtail, that can be used to connect your LTE card to an external antenna if you are using wAP R kit (there are special openings in the enclosure of the wAP R, designed for these pigtails)
Pigtail 25cm RG316 MMCX - RSMA female
Pigtail with MMCX and RSMA female connectors, 25cm long, designed for the frequency range 0 to 6GHz with attenuation of max 1.5dB. The MMCX connector is rotated 90°. This is a quality reduction, eg for connection to miniPCI cards, etc.
Pigtail cable U.FL/U.FL (IPEX) 20 cm
The connecting cable is primarily intended for Turris Omnia wi-fi modules to connect with a diplexer and an external antenna. However, it can also be used with other devices that operate at a maximum frequency of 6 GHz VF cable reduction (pig
Pigtail 25cm RSMA male - RSMA male RG316 (for UBNT antennas)
Cable convertor from RSMA male to RSMA male, 25 cm long, designed for the frequency range from 0 to 6 GHz with attenuation max. 1.5 dB. Both connectors are straight. The cable is suitable for connecting units with RSMA female ou
Pigtail u.Fl (IPEX) to SMA female pigtail cable, 15cm
SMA female pigtails are commonly used for 3G/LTE modem antenna ports.
Pigtail MMCX / R-SMA (M), 20cm, RG316 straight
Redukční kabel pro připojení externí antény k miniPCI adaptéru osazeného výstupním konektorem MMCX. Délka: 20cm; Konektor 1: MMCX; Konektor 2: reverzní SMA male; Kabel: nízkoútlumový 50ohm koax RG316U; Hodnoty útlumu vf koaxiálního kabelu RG316; 2,4GHz...
Pigtail u.Fl (IPEX) to RSMA female pigtail cable, 15cm
Pigtail cable u.Fl (IPEX) to RSMA female, 15cm long, designed for frequency range 0 up to 6GHz with maximum attenuation 1,5db. It is a very quality RF cable reduction from antenna to miniPCI cards.
Pigtail 15cm RG316 RSMA female - MS156 male 90° angled
Kabelová redukce z RSMA female na CRC9 , 15cm dlouhá, určená pro frekvenční rozsah 0 až 6GHz s útlumem max 1,5dB.
Pigtail cable U.FL/U.FL (IPEX) 25 cm
Propojovací kablík je primárně určen pro wi-fi moduly Turris Omnia k propojení s diplexerem a externí anténou. Lze však použít i s jinými zařízeními, které pracují na max frekvenci 6 GHz; VF kabelová redukce (pigtail) řady U.FL(f) s kabelem RF1.13/0.81...
Ppigtail cable U.FL/U.FL (IPEX) 10,5 cm
The connecting cable is primarily intended for Turris Omnia wi-fi modules to connect with a diplexer and an external antenna. However, it can also be used with other devices that operate at a maximum frequency of 6 GHz VF cable reduction (pig
Pigtail cable U.FL/U.FL (IPEX) 15 cm
The connecting cable is primarily intended for Turris Omnia wi-fi modules to connect with a diplexer and an external antenna. However, it can also be used with other devices that operate at a maximum frequency of 6 GHz VF cable reduction (pig
Pigtail 25cm RG178 U.FL - N male 90° angled
Cable convertor from u.Fl to N male, 25 cm long, designed for the frequency range from 0 to 6 GHz with attenuation max. 1.5 dB. N male connector is rotated on 90 °. This is a quality convertor used, for example, for connecting to miniPCI
Pigtail 25cm RG316 MMCX - N male 90° angled
Cable convertor from MMCX to N male, 25 cm long, designed for the frequency range from 0 to 6 GHz with attenuation max. 1.5 dB. The MMCX and N male connectors are rotated on 90 °. This is a quality convertor used, for example, for connect
Pigtail 25cm RG316 MMCX - RSMA male 90° angled
Cable adapter from MMCX to RSMA male , 25cm long. Designed for the frequency range 0 to 6GHz with attenuation of max 1.5dB. The MMCX and RSMA male connectors are angled 90 °. This is a quality reduction, eg for connection to mi
Pigtail 25cm RG178 MMCX - SMA male 90° angled
Cable convertor from MMCX to SMA male, 25 cm long, designed for the frequency range from 0 to 6 GHz with attenuation max. 1.5 dB. The MMCX and SMA male connectors are rotated on 90 °. This is a quality convertor used, for example, for con
Pigtail 25cm RG316 MMCX straight - RSMA female
Cable convertor from MMCX to RSMA female, 25 cm long, designed for the frequency range from 0 to 6 GHz with attenuation max. 1.5 dB. Connectors MMCX and RSMA female are straight. This is a quality convertor used, for example, for connecti
Pigtail 25cm MMCX - MMCX
Pigtails are necessary to connect antenna to radio card or, if radio is part of a board, directly to the routerboard.
Pigtail 25cm RG316 MMCX - N male
Cable reduction from MMCX to N male, 25 cm long, designated frequency range from 0 to 6 GHz with attenuation max 1,5 dB. Connector MMCX is rotated to 90°. High quality reduction used for example for connection between miniPCI cards, etc
Pigtail 25cm RG178 U.FL - RSMA female
Pigtail with u.Fl and RSMA female connectors, 25cm long, designed for the frequency range 0 to 6GHz with attenuation of max 1.5dB. This is a quality reduction, eg for connection to miniPCI cards, etc.
Pigtail 25cm RG178 U.FL - N female
Pigtail with u.Fl and N female, 25cm long, designed for the frequency range 0 to 6GHz with attenuation of max 1.5dB. This is a quality reduction, eg for connection to miniPCI cards, etc.
Pigtail 25cm RG178 U.FL - N male
Cable convertor from u.Fl to N male, 25 cm long, designed for the frequency range from 0 to 6 GHz with attenuation max. 1.5 dB. This is a quality convertor used, for example, for connecting to miniPCI cards, etc.