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Ubiquiti offsetdish, 3,5GHz

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Ubiquiti offsetdish, 3,5GHz
Ubiquiti offsetdish, 3,5GHz
Ubiquiti offsetdish, 3,5GHz
Ubiquiti offsetdish, 3,5GHz
Special offer


Part No.NB-OD3

Product description

UBNT offsetdish NB-OD3 is parabolical antenna with all accessories specially made for NSM3. Thanks to the parabolic antenna, the whole assembly will have a higher gain from the original 14dBi (NSM3) on the new 22dBi (NSM3 + NB-OD3).

Package contains

  • Parabolic antenna
  • Holder
  • Arm for holding unit before parabolic antenna

Technical support for this product is available on email or sending a request via web form. Our technical support is available during this business hours.

Bussines information

Dan Pacanda, +420 377 221 177 ,

Technical parameters

Wireless features

Wireless frequency: 3.5 GHz
Antenna type: Directional
Antenna gain [dBi]: 22

Physical characteristics

Antenna design: Parabolic
Wind load [km/h]: 200
Purpose: Outdoor
Huawei eKit
Mimosa WiFi 6



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