TP-Link TL-PA7027PKIT Powerline Starter Kit
Integrating advanced HomePlug AV2 technology, this kit provides users with high-speed data transfer rates up to 1000 Mbps, which is ideal for bandwidth-intensive applications such as simultaneous HD/3D/4K video streaming, online gaming, and larg
TP-Link Powerline TL-PA4010P Starter Kit (2pcs) nano adapter
TL-PA4010PKIT transforms your existing electrical network to high-speed Internet network without additional wiring or drilling. No need for any configuration, just plug adapters into electrical outlets to create an instant network infrastructure
TP-Link TL-WPA4220KIT Powerline Starter Kit
The TP-LINK TL-WPA4220 KIT Start Kit will extend your internet connection to any room in your home using an existing power outlet. The TL-WPA4220 is equipped with a Wi-Fi Clone push-button to extend the range, meaning it can automatically copy the SSID
TP-Link TL-WPA7617KIT Powerline Wi-Fi Kit
Using advanced HomePlug AV2 technology, TL-WPA7617 KIT ensures stable and high-speed WiFi, and also wired connection, providing data transmissions of up to 1000 Mbps* over the electrical wiring for ranges up to 300 meters. Stream in HD, game online and
TP-Link PG2400P KIT, powerline with passthrough socket
With the Next-Gen G.hn 2×2 MIMO, the PG2400P delivers superior high speed over 2 times than G.hn SISO, that supports all of your online needs. Moreover, the multiple data paths ensure more stable lag-free connections, you will never get latency stuck a
TP-Link TL-WPA4220 - Powerline extender 300Mbps
TP-LINK’s TL-WPA4220 extends your Internet connection to every room of the house through your home’s existing electrical circuitry. The TL-WPA4220 features a Wi-Fi Clone Button enabling Super Range Extension, which means it can automatically copy the S
TP-Link TL-PA7017PKIT Powerline Starter Kit
Perfect for Bandwidth-Hungry Activities Coming with advanced HomePlug AV2 technology, TL-PA7017P KIT provides users with high-speed data transfer rates of up to 1000 Mbps — ideal for bandwidth-intensive applications such as mult
TP-Link TL-PA7017KIT Powerline Starter Kit
Using advanced HomePlug AV2 technology, TL-PA7017 KIT ensures stable and high-speed wired connection, providing data transmissions of up to 1000 Mbps* over the electrical wiring for ranges up to 300 meters. Stream in HD, game online and download large
TP-Link TL-WPA4226KIT Powerline Wi-Fi Kit
TL-WPA4226KIT is a powerline kit for data transmission over the electrical network and also integrates a WiFi Access Point in each Powerline unit, which is a great simplification that you do not need another device in the form of a dedicated Acc
TP-Link TL-WPA8631PKIT Powerline Wi-Fi Kit
The WPA8631PKIT adapters uses advanced HomePlug AV2 technology to provide a stable, high-speed WiFi network, as well a wired connection. However, they are also backward compatible with HomePlug AV devices. The transmission (modulation) speed is
TP-Link TL-WPA8631P Powerline Wi-Fi Extender
The TL-WPA8631P adapter uses advanced HomePlug AV2 technology to provide a stable and high-speed WiFi network, as well a wired connection. However, it is also backward compatible with HomePlug AV devices. The transmission (modulation) speed is u
TP-Link TL-PA8010P passthrough powerline starter KIT (2pcs)
TL-PA9020PKIT transforms your existing electrical network to high-speed Internet network without additional wiring or drilling. No need for any configuration, just plug adapters into electrical outlets to create an instant network infrastructure
TP-Link TL-PA8030PKIT Powerline Starter kit
Advanced HomePlug AV2 technology means the TL-PA8030P KIT supports 2x2 MIMO* with beamforming, so users benefit from ultra-fast data transfer speeds of up to 1200Mbps. Perfect for bandwidth demanding activities like streaming Ultra HD video to multiple
TP-Link Powerline TL-PA4010 Starter Kit (2pcs) nano adapter
TL-PA4010KIT transforms your existing electrical network to high-speed Internet network without additional wiring or drilling. No need for any configuration, just plug adapters into electrical outlets to create an instant network infrastructure.
TP-Link TL-PA7017P Powerline
Coming with advanced HomePlug AV2 technology, TL-PA7017P KIT provides users with high-speed data transfer rates of up to 1000 Mbps — ideal for bandwidth-intensive applications such as multiple HD/3D/4K video streaming, online gaming, and large f
TP-Link TL-WPA7517KIT Powerline Wi-Fi Kit
Using advanced HomePlug AV2 technology, TL-WPA7517 KIT ensures stable and high-speed Wi-Fi and wired connection, providing data transmissions of up to 1000 Mbps* over the electrical wiring for ranges up to 300 meters. Stream in HD, game online and down
TP-Link TL-PA8033P KIT Powerline Starter Kit
Integrated with advanced HomePlug AV2 technology, this kit will offer users high-speed data transfer of up to 1300 Mbit/s, ideal for bandwidth-intensive activities such as simultaneous HD video streaming / 3D / 4K, online gaming and large file t
TP-Link PG1200 KIT Powerline Kit, G.hn1200
A powerful powerline system that, with the help of the latest advanced G.hn* technology, ensures a stable and high-speed cable connection over the power line with a transfer speed of 1200 Mbps (t
TP-Link PGW2440 KIT, powerline AX1800 Wi-Fi 6
With the Next-Gen G.hn 2×2 MIMO, the PGW2440 KIT deliver superior high speed over 2 times than G.hn SISO, that supports all of your online needs. Moreover, the multiple data paths ensure more stable lag-free connections, you will never get latency stuc
Powerline adaptéry jsou speciální zařízení, která se zapojují do klasických elektrických zásuvek. Po elektrických rozvodech se poté kromě elektrické energie přenáší také datové pakety, stejně jako v klasické počítačové síti. Výhody takového řešení jsou zřejmé - nemusíte natahovat žádné další kabely nebo instalovat bezdrátové přístupové body, a přesto dokážete propojit celou domácnost vysokorychlostní počítačovou sítí s rozumnými náklady.
Možná se ptáte, k čemu je vlastně přenos po elektrických rozvodech, když existuje bezdrátová síť. Jenže ani ta není všemohoucí a průchod stěnami značně zeslabuje signál, který se navíc velmi obtížně šíří nad a pod přístupový bod. Horní a dolní patra domu tak mohou mít se signálem značné potíže. Pokud tedy nechcete provrtávat stropy v domě a složitě natahovat kabely, přijdou vám vhod právě powerline adaptéry.
Jednoduše stačí připojit adaptéry do zástrčky, spárovat je a připojit k nim počítač, síťový disk, televizor, DVD přehrávač, herní konzoli či jakékoli kompatibilní zařízení se síťovým rozhraním.