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Repeater/Range Extender

7 items
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MERCUSYS MW300RE, Wi-Fi Range Extender

MERCUSYS MW300RE, Wi-Fi Range Extender

10.88 EUR excl. VAT
13.25 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

Tired of Wi-Fi dead zones? The MW300RE eliminates them by wirelessly connecting to your router, strengthening and expanding its signal into areas it can’t on its own. It also reduces signal interference to ensure reliable Wi-Fi coverage throughout your

MERCUSYS ME30 Range Extender

MERCUSYS ME30 Range Extender

16.54 EUR excl. VAT
20.10 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

Tired of dead Wi-Fi zones in your home? The MEC Range Extender from MERCUSYS connects wirelessly to a Wi-Fi router thanks to its two fixed antennas, amplifies and extends its signal to areas it cannot reach, while reducing signal interference an

MERCUSYS ME10 Range Extender

MERCUSYS ME10 Range Extender

8.25 EUR excl. VAT
10.07 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

Tired of dead Wi-Fi spots in your home? The ME10 Range Extender from MERCUSYS connects wirelessly to a Wi-Fi router thanks to its two fixed antennas, amplifies and extends its signal to areas it cannot reach, while reducing signal interference a

MERCUSYS ME20 Range Extender

MERCUSYS ME20 Range Extender

15.71 EUR excl. VAT
19.09 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

Tired of Wi-Fi dead zones at home? The ME20 Range Extender from MERCUSYS connects wirelessly to your Wi-Fi router with its two built-in antennas, boosting and extending its signal to areas that it cannot reach, while reducing signal interferenc

MERCUSYS ME50G Range Extender

MERCUSYS ME50G Range Extender

29.62 EUR excl. VAT
35.92 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

Mercusys ME50G allows you to extend your WiFi signal. The advantage of the device is cooperation with any access point. The device has the ability to switch from WiFi extender to access point mode and thus completely replace a normal access point. The



32.89 EUR excl. VAT
39.87 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

The Mercusys ME60X allows you to extend your WiFi signal. A key benefit of this device is its compatibility with any access point. It can switch from WiFi extender mode to access point mode, enabling it to fully replace a standard access point. The t

MERCUSYS ME80X - Wi-Fi 6 extender

MERCUSYS ME80X - Wi-Fi 6 extender

39.51 EUR excl. VAT
47.88 EUR incl. VAT
In Stock

Expand coverage of your Existing Router. The two adjustable high-gain antennas extends WiFi signals to where your router WiFi cannot reach. This AX3000 Range Extender is backward compatible with previous WiFi generations (11b/g/n/a/ac) and will work wi

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Repeater/Range Extender

Repeater, česky opakovač, nám umožní přijímat wifi-signál i v místech, kam nedosahuje signál z našeho hlavního access pointu nebo wifi-routeru. Funkce je jednoduchá - repeater přijme od access pointu datový paket a znovu jej vyšle ze stejné antény do vzduchu - tedy zopakuje vysílání. Vysílání probíhá stejnou anténou na stejné frekvenci, shodné je nejčastěji i SSID a šifrováni. Ale existují i repeatery, které dokážou vytvořit virtuální síť, tedy dokážou změnit SSID a šifrování a provedou i NAT překlad adres.

WiFi Extender (někdy též Repeater či Booster) je krabička, která umí prodloužit (proto Extender) dosah vaši WiFi sítě. Používá se tam, kde máte jenom jeden WiFi Router a potřebujete signál WiFi mít trochu dál. Nebo tam kde signál WiFi je příliš ovlivněn zdmi a místem, kde WiFi používáte - Wi-Fi Extender umožní pokrýt místa, kam by se normálně signál nedostal (byl příliš slabý).

Huawei eKit
Huawei AP761 - WiFi6 venkovní Dual Band AP, BLE, IP68



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