Masterlan PLC optický splitter - 1x16, 1260-1650nm, ABS box, SC/APC, 1,5m
PLC optical splitters are most important things for building FTTx network with P2MP type (Point to Multi-Point). Our offering splitters have very low loss and high return loss. Compact size provide very easy install to cabinets and optical patch panels
Masterlan PLC splitter - 1x16 1260-1650nm, SC/APC, 1,5m
PLC optical splitters are most important things for building FTTx network with P2MP type (Point to Multi-Point). Our offering splitters have very low loss and high return loss. Compact size provide very easy install to cabinets and optical patch panels
Masterlan PLC splitter - 1x32 1260-1650nm, SC/APC, 1,5m
PLC optical splitters are most important things for building FTTx network with P2MP type (Point to Multi-Point). Our offering splitters have very low loss and high return loss. Compact size provide very easy install to cabinets and optical patch panels
Masterlan PLC optical splitter - 1x64, 1260-1650nm, ABS box, SC/APC, 1,5m
PLC optical splitters are most important things for building FTTx network with P2MP type (Point to Multi-Point). Our offering splitters have very low loss and high return loss. Compact size provide very easy install to cabinets and optical patch panels
Masterlan PLC optical splitter - 1x64, 1260-1650nm, tube, SC/APC, 1,5m
PLC optical splitters are a key building element for FTTx P2MP (Point to Multi-Point) access networks. The offered splitters have low attenuation and high reflection attenuation. The compact dimensions of these splitters allow easy installation in cab
Masterlan PLC optical splitter - 1x32, 1260-1650nm, ABS box, SC/APC, 1,5m
PLC optical splitters are most important things for building FTTx network with P2MP type (Point to Multi-Point). Our offering splitters have very low loss and high return loss. Compact size provide very easy install to cabinets and optical patch panels
Masterlan PLC splitter - 1x2 1260-1650nm, SC/APC, 1,5m
PLC optical splitters are most important things for building FTTx network with P2MP type (Point to Multi-Point). Our offering splitters have very low loss and high return loss. Compact size provide very easy install to cabinets and optical patch panels
Masterlan PLC optický splitter - 1x4 1260-1650nm, SC/APC, 1,5m
PLC optical splitters are most important things for building FTTx network with P2MP type (Point to Multi-Point). Our offering splitters have very low loss and high return loss. Compact size provide very easy install to cabinets and optical patch panels
Masterlan PLC splitter - 1x8 1260-1650nm, SC/APC, 1,5m
PLC optical splitters are most important things for building FTTx network with P2MP type (Point to Multi-Point). Our offering splitters have very low loss and high return loss. Compact size provide very easy install to cabinets and optical patch panels
Masterlan PLC splitter - 1x2, 1260-1650nm, ABS box, SC/APC, 1,5m
PLC optical splitters are most important things for building FTTx network with P2MP type (Point to Multi-Point). Our offering splitters have very low loss and high return loss. Compact size provide very easy install to cabinets and optical patch panels
Masterlan PLC splitter - 1x4, 1260-1650nm, ABS box, SC/APC, 1,5m
PLC optical splitters are most important things for building FTTx network with P2MP type (Point to Multi-Point). Our offering splitters have very low loss and high return loss. Compact size provide very easy install to cabinets and optical patch panels
Masterlan PLC splitter - 1x8, 1260-1650nm, ABS box, SC/APC, 1,5m
PLC optical splitters are most important things for building FTTx network with P2MP type (Point to Multi-Point). Our offering splitters have very low loss and high return loss. Compact size provide very easy install to cabinets and optical patch panels
GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) - je gigabitová pasivní optická síť, kde optické vlákno dosahuje až do obytného prostoru (FTTH - Fiber to the Home). Tam je zakončeno optickou zásuvkou. Zjednodušeně řečeno - mezi centrálním prvkem a koncovým prvkem není na trase žádné aktivní (napájené) zařízení. To snižuje náklady na provoz a výrazně zvyšuje spolehlivost celé sítě. Signál na takovém kabelu prochází světlem, nikoliv elektrickým pulsem. Světelný impuls prochází skleněným vláknem a poskytuje spolehlivější signál a vysokou rychlost při nízkých nákladech na energii.
GEPON (Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network) - Gigabitová pasivní optická síť. Jak již název napovídá, jedná se o technologii, nabízející každému zákazníkovi možnost připojit se do sítě rychlostí až 1 Gbit/s. Sítě typu GEPON jsou již 3. generací pasivních sítí (PON - Passive Optical Network).