Smart security
Central units
Motion sensors(1)
Moisture and water(1)
Door and window(1)
Electric current(2)
Ezviz DL05 Smart Fingerprint Lock (5085)
Introducing the EZVIZ DL05 – a smart lock designed for modern homes that combines security, convenience, and elegant design. This lock offers keyless access and remote control, making your daily life significantly easier.
Ezviz DL05 Smart Fingerprint Lock (6068)
Introducing the EZVIZ DL05 – a smart lock designed for modern homes that combines security, convenience, and elegant design. This lock offers keyless access and remote control, making your daily life significantly easier.
Ezviz DL50FVS - Face Recognition Smart Lock
Discover a revolutionary way to secure your home with the EZVIZ DL50FVS smart lock. This innovative product combines cutting-edge technology with elegant design to provide the security and convenience you deserve. Whether you're at hom
Ubiquiti mFi motion senzor (Ceiling mount)
mFi is a Machine-to-Machine management system from Ubiquiti. mFi devices can be managed and monitored with mFi control software. This software allows you to create rules that switch based on data from mFi sensors. For example, the motion sensor may tur
Temperature and humidity sensor DHT22
DHT22 senzor pro měření vlhkosti (nejlépe pracuje v rozsahu 0% -100% RH s přesností ± 2% RV) a teplota -40 ° C až 125 ° C ± 0.5 ° C. Zapojení je na straně 9, manuálu v sekci Ke stažení na kartě produktu na webu.
Current sensor ACS711EX -15,5A ~ +15,5A
Deska pro měření proudu na základě Hallova jevu. This board is a simple carrier of Allegro’s Âą15.5 A ACS711 Hall effect-based linear current sensor with overcurrent fault output, which offers a low-resistance (~0.6 m??) current path and electrical iso...
The sensor contactron
The magnetic contacts are an important element of the security system when connecting to a remote extension Lankontrolera allowing also for the protection of doors, windows and other moving parts. - Temperature range: -50 to +125 degrees C; - Accuracy:...
AC Current Clamp Sensor SCT-01
Non-invasive current transformer, measurement is possible after putting magnetic clamps on a single wire. Sensor will not measure when put on all cable: current and ground wire together. Output voltage is alternate voltage proportional to cur
Ezviz WLB Control unit
Stanice WLB je unikátní zařízení, které umožňuje připojit až šest kamer typu C3A a zároveň může sloužit jako wi-fi směrovač pro další dvě zařízení v pásmech 2,4 a 5 GHz. Díky slotu na microSIM kartu nepotřebujete k připojení do internetu žádného místní...
Ezviz CS-B1 Home Sensor Kit
Kit contains 3 different sensors and 1 gateway. PIR sensor, inteligent button, door sensor and home gateway. It is possible to control and set via EZVIZ app for iOS and Android. Compatible with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. Key Fe
Ezviz DL01S Smart lock with keypad
Chytrý dveřní zámek v moderním šedočerném provedení dokonale zabezpečí vchod a umožní odemknout či zamknout dveře pouhým kliknutím v mobilní aplikaci. Další možností je zadání bezpečnostního kódu nebo přiložení bezkontaktní karty na bezdrátovou klávesn...
Ezviz DL01 Pro + DL01CP - Smart door lock with keypad
EZVIZ CS-DL01/DL01CP is a combination of the smart lock DL01 Pro and the keypad DL01CP. If you are looking for an easy-to-install smart lock, DL01 Pro could be the perfect choice. It enhances your
Ezviz DL03 Pro - Smart Rim Lock with keyboard (card / fingerprint / code)
Introducing the EZVIZ DL03 Pro – a smart lock designed for modern homes, combining security, convenience, and elegant design. With this lock, you gain keyless access and remote unlocking, making your daily life significantly easier
Ezviz DL03 Digital - Smart Rim Lock with keyboard (code)
Introducing the EZVIZ DL03 Digital – a smart lock designed for modern homes, combining security, convenience, and elegant design. With this lock, you get keyless access and the ability to unlock remotely, making your daily life sig
Smart security
Prvky chytrého zabezpečení zvyšují úroveň zabezpečení vašeho domu, bytu či jiného prostoru.