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Anti-icing spray WX2100
Sprej WX2100 je unikátním řešením ochrany anténních systémů proti námraze a ulpívání sněhu na anténách, anténních radomech a všude tam, kde by námraza nebo nalepený sníh mohly ovlivnit přenosové parametry provozovaného rádiového spoje. Základem použité...
JIROUS JH-LHG Radom Cover for RBLHG (2pack)
Radom cover for RBLHG consists of a front radome, a rear radome and a collar. Primarily designed for Wireless Wire Dish (60GHz), this cover is also compatible with all other LHG units for 2.4GHz, 5GHz and 4G / LTE bands with a 391mm dish.
JIROUS JH-AF60 Radom cover for AF60 and GBE-LR, 2-pack
The radom cover for the AF60 and GBE-LR from Ubiquiti consists of a front radom and a side collar. Thanks to the covering, the wireless connection withstands harsh weather conditions - especially icing and snow. Thanks to the wa
JIROUS JH-AF60 LR Radom cover for AF60-LR, 2-pack
The radom cover for the AF60-LR from Ubiquiti consists of a front radom and a side collar. Thanks to the covering, the wireless connection withstands harsh weather conditions - especially icing and snow. Thanks to the waste heat of the