Power sources with charging (UPS)
Power supply 24V 4A, in metal box, instead of 2x12V / 7Ah battery
Výstupní výkon 74.5W; Výstupní proud 4A; Výstupní napětí 27.6V; Vstupní napětí 85 ~ 264VAC, 370VDC 120 ~; VRLA AGM baterie 24V (dvě 12V baterie zapojené v sérii); Baterie nejsou součástí balení.
Ubiquiti EP-24V-72W, EdgePower, 24V, 72W
The EdgePower 24V 72W is a UNMS monitored and managed 24V DC power supply with integrated battery backup. This product provides WISPs with an easy-to-install 24V redundant power supply that includes a management user interface and simple 12V battery ba
Spínaný zálohovací napájecí zdroj MEAN WELL v kovové krabičce se svorkovnicí pro připojení záložního akumulátoru. Zdroj je vhodný pro zabezpečovací systémy a má 2 nezávislé výstupy 27.6V / 2A a 27.6V / 3.8A.
Ubiquiti UISP-P uninterruptible power system UISP Power
UISP series uninterruptible power system designed for MicroPoP applications, which includes routers and switches. The separately sold connection cable UACC-Cable-PT is available in different lengths from 0.5m to 50m, and cables of different leng
Ubiquiti UISP-P-Pro uninterruptible power system UISP Power Pro
Uninterruptible power management system designed to support high-capacity WISP deployment sites. Equipped with one power source from the factory, it provides a power of 240W at an output voltage of 27V DC. Optionally, a second power supply can also be